Feng Shui Basics Every Home Buyer Should Know
If you’re looking for a new home there are some basic feng shui tips you’ll want to keep in mind. This will make it easier for you to select a home that has good basic feng shui and works with your personal feng shui energy too.
1) Find a home that is on a square lot. This will create overall balance for the bukit jalil property and allow an even flow of both yin and yang energy.
2) The home should be centered on the lot rather than off to one side, too close to the front yard (leaving a much larger back yard) or too close to the back (leaving a much larger front yard). If the home has a bigger front yard than back yard bringing money into your household will be easy but hanging onto it will be difficult.
If the front yard is smaller than the backyard bringing money into your household will be hard but once you get it you will have an easier time saving it. Try to find a home where the front and back yards are equal in size.
3) There should be trees, another home or fence behind the house to hold the positive energy on your property company in malaysiaand make it easier to hold on to your money.
4) Stand in the street and look at the front of the freehold condo. Any vegetation, buildings, telephone poles, flag poles, trees, etc. should be higher on the right side of the house than the left. If it is the other way around it can create legal problems and/or angry females in the home.
5) The ideal shape of a home is square, however it can be difficult to find a perfectly square home. If the home isn’t square then you will at least want the home to have all of your 4 personal best directions (Success, Health, Relationships, Wisdom) because if any of these areas are partially or completely missing you will have more problems in these areas of your life.
Your personal best directions are different from general feng shui directions for Success, Health, Relationships and Wisdom. Your personal directions are specific to you and based on your birthday.
6) Ideally the front door should face the Success or Relationship direction of the bread winner in the family. If you are retired then finding a home where the front door faces any of your four best directions is fine.
7) Your master bedroom should be in one of your four best directions in the home. A simplified way to determine this is to draw a tic-tac-toe symbol over the floor plan of the house and see what direction the master bedroom is located in (N, S, E, W, SE, SW, NE or NW). If it’s in one of your four best directions this will be good for you.
For a more detailed analysis you will also want to look at the Flying Stars on the home. This analysis can be done by a qualified classical Feng Shui consultant.